Getting started with TransparentAI

This page will show you some code to start with the TransparentAI library.

In this section I created a binary classifier based on Adult dataset. The following variables will be used :

variable description
data Adult dataset as DataFrame
clf Classifier model
y_true True labels for train set
y_true_valid True labels for valid set
y_pred Predictions labels for train set
y_pred_valid Predictions labels for valid set
df_valid Dataframe for valid set
X_train Features for train set
X_valid Features for valid set

Is my model biased ?

>>> privileged_group = {
    # For gender attribute Male peoples are considered to be privileged
    # For marital-status attribute Married peoples are considered to be privileged
    'marital-status': lambda x: 'Married' in x,
    # For race attribute White peoples are considered to be privileged
>>> from transparentai import fairness
>>> fairness.model_bias(y_true_valid, y_pred_valid, df_valid, privileged_group)
    "gender": {
        "statistical_parity_difference": -0.07283528047741014,
        "disparate_impact": 0.4032473042703101,
        "equal_opportunity_difference": -0.04900038770381182,
        "average_odds_difference": -0.026173142849183567
    "marital-status": {
        "statistical_parity_difference": -0.11667610209029305,
        "disparate_impact": 0.27371312304160633,
        "equal_opportunity_difference": 0.08345535064884008,
        "average_odds_difference": 0.03867329810319946
    "race": {
        "statistical_parity_difference": -0.0420778376239787,
        "disparate_impact": 0.5964166117990216,
        "equal_opportunity_difference": -0.0004408949904296522,
        "average_odds_difference": -0.002870373184105955

This metrics can be not easy to understand so you can use the returns_text=True so that you can get ths insight :

>>> fairness_txt = fairness.model_bias(y_true_valid, y_pred_valid, df_valid, privileged_group, returns_text=True)
>>> print(fairness_txt['gender'])
The privileged group is predicted with the positive output 7.28% more often than the unprivileged group. This is considered to be fair.
The privileged group is predicted with the positive output 2.48 times more often than the unprivileged group. This is considered to be not fair.
For a person in the privileged group, the model predict a correct positive output 4.90% more often than a person in the unprivileged group. This is considered to be fair.
For a person in the privileged group, the model predict a correct positive output or a correct negative output 2.62% more often than a person in the unprivileged group. This is considered to be fair.
The model has 3 fair metrics over 4 (75%).

And if you like to get visual help use the plot_bias function :

>>> privileged_group = {'gender': ['Male']}
>>> from transparentai import fairness
>>> fairness.plot_bias(y_true_valid, y_pred_valid, df_valid, privileged_group, with_text=True)

How can I explain my model ?

>>> from transparentai.models import explainers
>>> explainer = explainers.ModelExplainer(clf, X_train, model_type='tree')
>>> explainer.explain_global_influence(X_train, nsamples=1000)
    'age': 0.08075649984055841,
    'fnlwgt': 0.05476459574744569,
    'education-num': 0.08048316800088552,
    'capital-gain': 0.06879137962639843,
    'capital-loss': 0.018367250661071737,
    'hours-per-week': 0.06009733425389803
>>> explainer.plot_global_explain()
>>> explainer.plot_local_explain(X_valid.iloc[0])

What’s my model performance ?

>>> from transparentai.models import classification
>>> # You can use custom function with lambda
>>> metrics = ['accuracy', 'roc_auc', 'f1', 'recall', 'precision', lambda y_true, y_pred: sum(y_true-y_pred)]
>>> classification.compute_metrics(y_true_valid, y_pred_valid, metrics)
    'accuracy': 0.812011415808413,
    'roc_auc': 0.8272860034692258,
    'f1': 0.5682530635508691,
    'recall': 0.5244608100999474,
    'precision': 0.6200248756218906,
    'custom_1': 586
>>> classification.plot_performance(y_true, y_pred, y_true_valid, y_pred_valid)

What is in my data ?

>>> from transparentai.datasets import variable
>>> variable.plot_variable(data['age'])
>>> variable.plot_variable(data['capital-loss'], legend=data['income'], ylog=True)
>>> variable.plot_variable(data['workclass'])

The birthdate column was generated based on the age column.

>>> variable.plot_variable(data['birthdate'], legend=data['income'])

How can I know the model is still good over time ?

timestamp variable was generated randomly, it represents the time of the prediction.

>>> from transparentai import monitoring
>>> monitoring.plot_monitoring(y_true, y_pred, timestamp, interval='month', classification=True)

Is my model sustainable ?

Estimate your training CO2 consumption.

>>> from transparentai import sustainable
>>> sustainable.estimate_co2(hours=24, location='France', watts=250)

Evaluate your training kWh consumption.

>>> from transparentai import sustainable
>>> kWh, clf = sustainable.evaluate_kWh(, X, Y, verbose=True)
Location:                                                                 France
Baseline wattage:                                                     4.79 watts
Process wattage:                                                     18.45 watts
-------------------------------  Final Readings  -------------------------------
Average baseline wattage:                                             3.53 watts
Average total wattage:                                               16.04 watts
Average process wattage:                                             12.51 watts
Process duration:                                                        0:00:07
-------------------------------   Energy Data    -------------------------------
                              Energy mix in France
Coal:                                                                      3.12%
Petroleum:                                                                16.06%
Natural Gas:                                                              33.56%
Low Carbon:                                                               47.26%
-------------------------------    Emissions     -------------------------------
Effective emission:                                              1.32e-05 kg CO2
Equivalent miles driven:                                          5.39e-12 miles
Equivalent minutes of 32-inch LCD TV watched:                   8.14e-03 minutes
Percentage of CO2 used in a US household/day:                          4.33e-12%
------------------------- Assumed Carbon Equivalencies -------------------------
Coal:                                                      995.725971 kg CO2/MWh
Petroleum:                                                816.6885263 kg CO2/MWh
Natural gas:                                              743.8415916 kg CO2/MWh
Low carbon:                                                         0 kg CO2/MWh
-------------------------     Emissions Comparison     -------------------------
                      Quantities below expressed in kg CO2
        US                      Europe                  Global minus US/Europe
Max:    Wyoming        2.85e-05 Kosovo         2.93e-05 Mongolia        2.86e-05
Median: Tennessee      1.40e-05 Ukraine        2.04e-05 Korea, South    2.34e-05
Min:    Vermont        8.00e-07 Iceland        5.26e-06 Bhutan          3.26e-06
Process used:                                                       3.10e-05 kWh

Do I use safe packages ?

>>> import transparentai.utils as utils
>>> utils.check_packages_security(full_report=True)
|                                                                              |
|                               /$$$$$$            /$$                         |
|                              /$$__  $$          | $$                         |
|           /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$ | $$  \__//$$$$$$  /$$$$$$   /$$   /$$           |
|          /$$_____/ |____  $$| $$$$   /$$__  $$|_  $$_/  | $$  | $$           |
|         |  $$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$_/  | $$$$$$$$  | $$    | $$  | $$           |
|          \____  $$ /$$__  $$| $$    | $$_____/  | $$ /$$| $$  | $$           |
|          /$$$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$| $$    |  $$$$$$$  |  $$$$/|  $$$$$$$           |
|         |_______/  \_______/|__/     \_______/   \___/   \____  $$           |
|                                                          /$$  | $$           |
|                                                         |  $$$$$$/           |
|  by                                              \______/            |
|                                                                              |
| REPORT                                                                       |
| checked 77 packages, using default DB                                        |
| No known security vulnerabilities found.                                     |