Source code for transparentai.models.explainers.model_explainer

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import shap
import ipywidgets as widgets
import warnings

import seaborn as sns

from transparentai import utils
from ..explainers import explainer_plots as plots

[docs]class ModelExplainer(): """ Class that allows to understand a local prediction or model behavior using shap_ package. For the moment this class will work only for model that TreeExplainer, LinearExplainer or KernelExplainer of shap_ package can handle. .. _shap : Example ======= For binary classification (adult dataset): >>> from transparentai.datasets import load_adult >>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier >>> data = load_adult() >>> X, Y = data.drop(columns='income'), data['income'].replace({'>50K':1, '<=50K':0}) >>> X = X.select_dtypes('number') >>> clf = RandomForestClassifier().fit(X,Y) >>> explainer = ModelExplainer(clf, X, model_type='tree') >>> explainer.explain_global_influence(X, nsamples=1000) 99%|===================| 1988/2000 [01:01<00:00] {'age': 0.08232147427281439, 'fnlwgt': 0.051546309804410356, 'education-num': 0.07579739409175655, 'capital-gain': 0.07904473020037411, 'capital-loss': 0.02746167321242212, 'hours-per-week': 0.060904331971380544} >>> explainer.explain_local_influence(X.iloc[0]) {'age = 25': -0.07041555656760465, 'fnlwgt = 226802': -0.025452222766471095, 'education-num = 7': -0.07771055672375951, 'capital-gain = 0': -0.08661166294186842, 'capital-loss = 0': 0.005169999992358498, 'hours-per-week = 40': -0.02528000040561892} For multi label classification (iris dataset): >>> from transparentai.datasets import load_iris >>> from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier >>> data = load_iris() >>> X, Y = data.drop(columns='iris plant'), data['iris plant'] >>> Y = Y.replace({'setosa':0, 'versicolor':1, 'virginica':2}) >>> clf = RandomForestClassifier().fit(X,Y) >>> explainer = ModelExplainer(clf, X, model_type='tree', multi_label=True) >>> explainer.explain_global_influence(X) {0: {'sepal length (cm)': 0.01175688849131886, 'sepal width (cm)': 0.005942666575467832, 'petal length (cm)': 0.22338177293802924, 'petal width (cm)': 0.16601288524931274}, 1: {'sepal length (cm)': 0.02572877729050815, 'sepal width (cm)': 0.008901222137936085, 'petal length (cm)': 0.2281212172475334, 'petal width (cm)': 0.19257521807807496}, 2: {'sepal length (cm)': 0.02847011091114645, 'sepal width (cm)': 0.011024999958494059, 'petal length (cm)': 0.23041677331694704, 'petal width (cm)': 0.20166499567956975}} >>> explainer.explain_local_influence(X.iloc[0]) {0: {'sepal length (cm) = 5.1': 0.021333332546055316, 'sepal width (cm) = 3.5': 0.011599999857135118, 'petal length (cm) = 1.4': 0.42903332408517597, 'petal width (cm) = 0.2': 0.31883332636673}, 1: {'sepal length (cm) = 5.1': 0.012099999799393118, 'sepal width (cm) = 3.5': 0.0018000002391636372, 'petal length (cm) = 1.4': -0.21319999573752285, 'petal width (cm) = 0.2': -0.15029999669175595}, 2: {'sepal length (cm) = 5.1': -0.03343333344208076, 'sepal width (cm) = 3.5': -0.013400000038091093, 'petal length (cm) = 1.4': -0.21583332964917645, 'petal width (cm) = 0.2': -0.16853333076229318}} For regression (boston dataset): >>> from transparentai.datasets import load_boston >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression >>> data = load_boston() >>> X, Y = data.drop(columns='MEDV'), data['MEDV'] >>> regr = LinearRegression().fit(X, Y) >>> explainer = ModelExplainer(regr, X, model_type='linear') >>> explainer.explain_global_influence(X) {'CRIM': 0.5167422492788898, 'ZN': 0.7756203068845728, 'INDUS': 0.12750516344183324, 'CHAS': 0.3459732772883547, 'NOX': 1.7001686711898643, 'RM': 1.9555806154096416, 'AGE': 0.017036261147963947, 'DIS': 2.537086257135257, 'RAD': 2.3074416123109764, 'TAX': 1.7711676384532529, 'PTRATIO': 1.7028349208723197, 'B': 0.5086851450326836, 'LSTAT': 2.9991432546436037} >>> explainer.explain_local_influence(X.iloc[0]) {'CRIM = 0.0063': 0.3896189542190243, 'ZN = 18.0': 0.308063041889274, 'INDUS = 2.31': -0.18146644441613213, 'CHAS = 0.0': -0.18584127208907195, 'NOX = 0.538': 0.29661462781287745, 'RM = 6.575': 1.1062538448823005, 'AGE = 65.2': -0.002336189759535761, 'DIS = 4.09': -0.4352292308278341, 'RAD = 1.0': -2.616541593062981, 'TAX = 296.0': 1.3843997187946957, 'PTRATIO = 15.3': 3.006425898946704, 'B = 396.9': 0.37457147693105614, 'LSTAT = 4.98': 4.026504219585754} Attributes ---------- model_type: Type of model to inspect, it can only be 'tree', 'linear' or None model: model to inspect multi_label: bool Whether there is more than 2 classes in the label column (only for classification) explainer: shap.TreeExplainer, shap.LinearExplainer or shap.KernelExplainer explainer object that has expected values and can compute shap values feature_names: np.array list of feature names (length == length of X columns) global_explain: dict dictionnary with feature names as keys and global feature importance as values """ def __init__(self, model, X, model_type=None, feature_names=None, multi_label=False): """ Parameters ---------- model: model to inspect X: array like data (possibly training) to start the explainer model_type: str (default None) Type of model to inspect, it can only be 'tree', 'linear' or None feature_names: np.array or list list of feature names (length == length of X columns) multi_label: bool Whether there is more than 2 classes in the label column (only for classification) Raises ------ TypeError: X must be an array like. Valids dtypes are pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray and list ValueError: model_type must be 'tree', 'linear' or None AttributeError: model has neither a predict() function or a predict_proba() function """ if type(X) not in [pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray, list]: raise TypeError('X must be an array like. Valids dtypes are pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray and list') if (model_type is not None) & (model_type not in ['tree','linear']): raise ValueError('model_type must be \'tree\', \'linear\' or None') if (utils.object_has_function(model, 'predict_proba')): if (model_type == 'tree'): f = lambda x: model.predict_proba(x) else: f = lambda x: model.predict_proba(x)[:,1] elif utils.object_has_function(model, 'predict'): f = model.predict else: raise AttributeError('model has neither a predict() function or a predict_proba() function') if type(X) in [np.ndarray,list]: X = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=feature_names) elif type(X) == pd.Series: X = X.to_frame() self.feature_names = X.columns.values.tolist() self.kwargs_dict = self._generate_kwargs_interactive_dict(X) # Use kmeans to sample dataset to 50 'representative' rows # to precompute the explainer. if (model_type is None) | (model_type in ['tree']): K = 50 K = K if len(X) > K else len(X) X = shap.kmeans(X, K) self.model = model self.model_type = model_type self.predict = f self.multi_label = multi_label self.explainer = self.init_explainer(X) self.global_explain = None
[docs] def init_explainer(self, X): """Initialize the explainer. If model_type is None then use shap.KernelExplainer class. Else if it's 'tree' then shap.TreeExplainer. Else use shap.LinearExplainer. Parameters ---------- X: array like data (possibly training) to start the explainer Returns ------- shap.KernelExplainer, shap.TreeExplainer, shap.LinearExplainer: explainer initialized """ if self.model_type is None: explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(self.predict, X) elif self.model_type == 'tree': explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(self.model, X) else: explainer = shap.LinearExplainer(self.model, X) return explainer
def _generate_kwargs_interactive_dict(self, X): """Generates a dictionnary of kwargs with feature_names as key so it will be used with the widgets.interact function. Parameters ---------- X: array like data (possibly training) to start the explainer Returns ------- dict: Dictionnary with self.feature_names as keys and widget as values so that it can be used in the widgets.interact function """ X = np.array(X) kwargs = {} for i,f in enumerate(self.feature_names): values = X[:,i] kwargs[f] = {} if values.dtype in [int,np.int16,np.int32,np.int64]: widget = widgets.IntText elif values.dtype in [float,np.float16,np.float32,np.float64]: widget = widgets.FloatText else: widget = widgets.Text kwargs[f]['widget'] = widget return kwargs def _get_kwargs_interactive(self, X): """Preformats kwargs argument for the widgets.interact function. Each widget is initialized with the current value. Parameters ---------- X: array like Local row to explain Returns ------- dict: Dictionnary with self.feature_names as keys and initialized widget as values so that it can be used in the widgets.interact function """ kwargs = {} style = {'description_width': '75%'} layout = widgets.Layout(width='50%') for i,f in enumerate(self.feature_names): widget = self.kwargs_dict[f]['widget'] kwargs[f] = widget(value=X[i], description=f, style=style) return kwargs
[docs] def compute_shap_values(self, X): """Computes the shap values using explainer attribute. Parameters ---------- X: array like A matrix of samples (# samples x # features) on which to explain the model's output. Returns ------- np.ndarray: For models with a single output this returns a matrix of SHAP values (# samples x # features). Each row sums to the difference between the model output for that sample and the expected value of the model output (which is stored as expected_value attribute of the explainer). For models with vector outputs this returns a list of such matrices, one for each output. """ if self.model_type is None: shap_values = self.explainer.shap_values(X, l1_reg='aic') elif self.model_type == 'tree': shap_values = self.explainer.shap_values(X, check_additivity=False) else: shap_values = self.explainer.shap_values(X) return shap_values
def _get_base_value(self): """ Returns base value from the explainer attribute. Returns ------- np.array Array with all expected values. If it's a tree explainer and a binary classification then it returns for only the class 1 """ if (self.model_type == 'tree') & (not self.multi_label): return self.explainer.expected_value[1] else: return self.explainer.expected_value def _get_predictions(self, X, num_class=1): """ Returns the prediction using `predict_proba` function if it exists else it uses predict function. Parameters ---------- X: pd.DataFrame or np.array Data to explain num_class: int (default 1) Class number for which we want to see the explanation if it's a binary classification then the value is 1 Returns ------- number: prediction """ if self.model_type == 'tree': return self.predict([X])[0][num_class] else: return self.predict([X])[0]
[docs] def explain_global_influence(self, X, nsamples=None): """Global explaination for a model based on a sample X If there are a lot of data this function could last a while. Parameters ---------- X: array like Data to explain nsamples: None or int or float (default None) If not None reduce the data to a sample of nsamples else if <= 1. reduce to len(df) * nsamples Returns ------- dict: dictionnary with feature names as keys and feature importance as values Raises ------ TypeError: X must be an array like. Valids dtypes are pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray and list ValueError: X must have the same number of feature than the X used in the class initialization """ if type(X) not in [pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray, list]: raise TypeError('X must be an array like. Valids dtypes are pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray and list') if np.array(X).shape[1] != len(self.feature_names): raise ValueError('X must have the same number of feature than the X used in the class initialization') # Reduce X if nsample is set if nsamples is not None: if nsamples <= 1.: nsamples = int(len(X)*nsamples) elif nsamples > len(X): nsamples = len(X) X = X.sample(nsamples) shap_values = self.compute_shap_values(X) res = {} if not self.multi_label: if self.model_type == 'tree': shap_values = shap_values[1] res = pd.DataFrame(shap_values, columns=self.feature_names) res = res.abs().mean().to_dict() else: for i in range(0, len(shap_values)): res[i] = pd.DataFrame(shap_values[i], columns=self.feature_names) res[i] = res[i].abs().mean().to_dict() self.global_explain = res return res
[docs] def explain_local_influence(self, X, feature_classes=None): """Explain a local prediction : only one row required. Parameters ---------- X: array like Local row to explain feature_classes: dict This dictionnary provides new values for categorical feature so that the feature can be more interpretable. dictionnary with features names as keys and for value a dictionnary with key, value pair representing current value and value to display. Returns ------- dict: dictionnary with feature names as keys and feature importance as values Raises ------ TypeError: X must be an array like. Valids dtypes are pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray and list ValueError: X must be one row ValueError: X must have the same number of feature than the X used in the class initialization """ if type(X) not in [pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray, list]: raise TypeError('X must be an array like. Valids dtypes are pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray and list') elif type(X) == pd.DataFrame: X = X.T X = np.array(X) if len(X.shape) > 1: if X.shape[1] > 1: raise ValueError('X must be one row') if len(X) != len(self.feature_names): raise ValueError('X must have the same number of feature than the X used in the class initialization') feature_names = list() if feature_classes is not None: valid_features = [feat for feat in feature_classes if feat in X.index] for f, v in zip(self.feature_names, X): if f not in valid_features: feature_names.append(f'{f} = {v}') else: feature_names.append( f'{f} = {feature_classes[f][v]}') else: for f, v in zip(self.feature_names, X): v = str(round(v,4)) feature_names.append('%s = %s'%(f, v)) shap_values = self.compute_shap_values(X) if not self.multi_label: if self.model_type == 'tree': shap_values = shap_values[1] return dict(zip(feature_names, shap_values)) else: res = {} for i, values in enumerate(shap_values): res[i] = dict(zip(feature_names, values)) return res
[docs] def format_feature_importance(self, feat_importance, top=None): """ Format feature importance with a top value so that it returns only the features that have the biggest influence Parameters ---------- feat_importance: pd.Series or dict current feature importance top: int number of value to get Returns ------- pd.Series Feature importance formated """ if type(feat_importance) not in [pd.Series, dict]: raise TypeError('feat_importance must be a pandas.Series or dict') if type(feat_importance) == dict: feat_importance = pd.Series(feat_importance) feat_importance = feat_importance.sort_values() if top is None: top = len(feat_importance) elif top > len(feat_importance): top = len(feat_importance) top_index = feat_importance.abs().sort_values( ascending=False).index[0:top] other_index = feat_importance.abs().sort_values( ascending=False).index[top:] feat_importance_filtered = feat_importance.loc[top_index].sort_values() if len(other_index) > 0: feat_importance_filtered['Others variables'] = feat_importance.loc[other_index].sum( ) return feat_importance_filtered.sort_values()
def _plot_local_explain(self, X, values, base_value, top=None, num_class=1, **kwargs): """ Display local feature influence sorted for a specific prediction. Parameters ---------- X: array like Local row to explain values: pd.Series Feature importance with feature as indexes and shap value as values base_value: number prediction value if we don't put any feature into the model top: int top n feature to display (in case there are too much features) num_class: int (default 1) Class number for which we want to see the explanation if it's a binary classification then the value is 1 """ values = self.format_feature_importance(values, top=top) pred = self._get_predictions(X, num_class=num_class) pred_class = self.model.predict([X])[0] return plots.plot_local_feature_influence( feat_importance=values, base_value=base_value, pred=pred, pred_class=pred_class, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_local_explain(self, X, feature_classes=None, top=None, num_class=None, **kwargs): """ Display a plot for a local prediction based on X set. Parameters ---------- X: array like Local row to explain feature_classes: dict This dictionnary provides new values for categorical feature so that the feature can be more interpretable. dictionnary with features names as keys and for value a dictionnary with key, value pair representing current value and value to display. num_class: int (default None) Class number for which we want to see the explanation if it's a binary classification then the value is 1 if None and it's a multi_label classifier then plots for each class """ values = self.explain_local_influence(X, feature_classes) base_value = self._get_base_value() if not self.multi_label: return self._plot_local_explain(X, values, base_value, top=top) else: if num_class is None: num_class = self.model.predict([X])[0] for i, base_val in enumerate(base_value): if i != num_class: continue # print(f'Plot for the {i}th class probability.') self._plot_local_explain(X, values[i], base_val, top=top, num_class=i, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_local_explain_interact(self, X, feature_classes=None, visible_feat=None, top=None, num_class=None, **kwargs): """ Display a plot for a local prediction based on X set. Parameters ---------- X: array like Local row to explain feature_classes: dict This dictionnary provides new values for categorical feature so that the feature can be more interpretable. dictionnary with features names as keys and for value a dictionnary with key, value pair representing current value and value to display. visible_feat: list (default None) List of feature to interact with num_class: int (default None) Class number for which we want to see the explanation if it's a binary classification then the value is 1 if None and it's a multi_label classifier then plots for each class """ base_value = self._get_base_value() def plots(**keywords): x = X.copy() x = np.array(x) for k, v in keywords.items(): i = np.where(np.array(self.feature_names) == k) x[i] = v values = self.explain_local_influence(x, feature_classes) if not self.multi_label: return self._plot_local_explain(x, values, base_value, top=top, **kwargs) else: if num_class is None: num_c = self.model.predict([x])[0] else: num_c = num_class for i, base_val in enumerate(base_value): if i != num_c: continue # print(f'Plot for the {i}th class probability.') return self._plot_local_explain(x, values[i], base_val, top=top, num_class=i, **kwargs) args = self._get_kwargs_interactive(X) if visible_feat is not None: new = {} for feat in visible_feat: if feat not in self.feature_names: warnings.warn('%s feature ignored because it is not in feature_names'%(feat)) continue new[feat] = args[feat] args = new interactive_plot = widgets.interactive(plots, **args) return interactive_plot
[docs] def plot_global_explain(self, X=None, nsamples=None, top=None, color='#3498db', **kwargs): """ Display a plot for model global explanation based on a sample X. Parameters ---------- X: pd.DataFrame or np.array Data to explain nsamples: None or int or float (default None) If not None reduce the data to a sample of nsamples else if <= 1. reduce to len(df) * nsamples top: int top n feature to display (in case there are too much features) color str (default '#3498db') Color of the bar plot Raises ------ AttributeError: If X parameter is None then you have to add X in explain_global function first or directly in this function if you prefer to plot directly. """ if X is not None: self.explain_global_influence(X, nsamples) elif self.global_explain is None: raise AttributeError( 'Please set a X value first, using X parameter in this function or inside explain_global_influence function') values = self.global_explain if not self.multi_label: values = self.format_feature_importance(values, top=top) return plots.plot_global_feature_influence(feat_importance=values, color=color, **kwargs) else: res = list() for i in range(0, len(values)): val = self.format_feature_importance(values[i], top=top) res.append(val) res = pd.concat(res, axis=1) if not ((type(color) == list) & (len(color) == len(values))): color = sns.color_palette("colorblind", len(values)) return plots.plot_global_feature_influence(feat_importance=res, color=color, **kwargs)